last login: 7 hours ago
Essen, Germany
6655 mi

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from Anonymous Sunday, 09/19/2021
When the manu came in to the door, I knew straight away that this was going to be a jackpot. this casualness, with which this big lustle snuggles you from above to the welcome and grins so horny in the process, is not to be surpassed. Immediately, a highly erotic mood arises that the manu clearly controls, juggling between mutual desire and its natural dominance, which one automatically bends and full of pleasure. everything about the guy is huge, his shoulders wide and powerful, hard muscles, big hands with which he can ball menacing fists, you don't really want to get involved with him, but rather subordinate and enjoy his dominance.
and then its splendor-tail, which is flaccid as long as my stiffer, and thicker on top of it. he enjoys it when he pushes it into your mouth, but it doesn't quite fit in.
I could write forever ...
manu, we have to see each other again ...
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from Anonymous
Sunday, 09/19/2021
When the manu came in to the door, I knew straight away that this was going to be a jackpot. this casualness, with which this big lustle snuggles you from above to the welcome and grins so horny in the process, is not to be surpassed. Immediately, a highly erotic mood arises that the manu clearly controls, juggling between mutual desire and its natural dominance, which one automatically bends and full of pleasure. everything about the guy is huge, his shoulders wide and powerful, hard muscles, big hands with which he can ball menacing fists, you don't really want to get involved with him, but rather subordinate and enjoy his dominance.
and then its splendor-tail, which is flaccid as long as my stiffer, and thicker on top of it. he enjoys it when he pushes it into your mouth, but it doesn't quite fit in.
I could write forever ...
manu, we have to see each other again ...
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely