last login: 16 hours ago

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from


Friday, 03/26/2021
Met Kristian many times and I still think he's the best among the rest. What you see is what you get or even better! He is a lot more macho in person than his innocent face. A well mannered person whom makes a great company in and out of bed. Well, if it makes a difference to you between hung & hard to hung & soft then you have found the right guy caused he is as hard as a rock even... Everytime, he will make me moan like a whore and beg for more. He is definitely worth the time and whatever you will spend on him. Seeing is believing and trying is confirming. xKyan
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from


Friday, 03/26/2021
Met Kristian many times and I still think he's the best among the rest. What you see is what you get or even better! He is a lot more macho in person than his innocent face. A well mannered person whom makes a great company in and out of bed. Well, if it makes a difference to you between hung & hard to hung & soft then you have found the right guy caused he is as hard as a rock even... Everytime, he will make me moan like a whore and beg for more. He is definitely worth the time and whatever you will spend on him. Seeing is believing and trying is confirming. xKyan
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely