last login: 5 hours ago

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from


Friday, 01/15/2021
Based on my first two times with Tagg I knew I had to look him up when I was on his home turf in Toronto—and the third time did not disappoint. He knew I liked it when he took charge so he got straight down to business showing me who was boss the minute we met. Growing up on a farm and having experience on boats has given him excellent rope skills and in no time I was securely bound and made to admire him from afar. Over the two hours we spent together I was gradually allowed a bit more contact incrementally (which is exactly how I wanted it) and was totally transfixed with his authentic masculine energy the whole time. Some guys can try to fake it but Tagg is the real deal and a great guy to spend time with.
Time spent
2 hours
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from


Friday, 01/15/2021
Based on my first two times with Tagg I knew I had to look him up when I was on his home turf in Toronto—and the third time did not disappoint. He knew I liked it when he took charge so he got straight down to business showing me who was boss the minute we met. Growing up on a farm and having experience on boats has given him excellent rope skills and in no time I was securely bound and made to admire him from afar. Over the two hours we spent together I was gradually allowed a bit more contact incrementally (which is exactly how I wanted it) and was totally transfixed with his authentic masculine energy the whole time. Some guys can try to fake it but Tagg is the real deal and a great guy to spend time with.
Time spent
2 hours
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely