rentmetoday - Male Escort in Alexandria
Updated 7/1/2017 New Pics / Travel schedule at bottom!
Thank you all for voting and making me Da...
Updated 7/1/2017 New Pics / Travel schedule at bottom!
Thank you all for voting and making me Daddy's Reviews Escort of the Year for 2012!
**I get many requests for 'Send me a PIC!'- I don't have the time to do this to every single person individually; I post almost DAILY on twitter, if you want them- they're there. **
I am who I am in my pictures and reviews- I play safe, and only perform as a top when it comes to penetration. There is no variance on that. I say again, there is no variance on that. I play with a large enough volume of people I have come to regard as FRIENDS, that I'd never risk anyone. Please show everyone else that same respect.
Communication with me can sometimes be difficult, as besides this industry, I own a business in the Northeast that I'm able to answer phone calls / emails remotely for, from the road in between escort clients. Bear with me, you'll always get a response back eventually, it may just take a bit.
If the type of session you're into is wrestling, please note that I'm only looking for erotic / sexual / fantasy sessions at this time, NOT submission or intense injury sessions.
WHATSAPP for international guys- 8606525280
New England 7/1-7/9
NYC 7/10-7/13
OFF 7/14
New England 7/15-7/17
OFF Bogota Columbia 7/18-7/23
New England 7/24-7/31
Buffalo NY 8/1 & 8/2
Albany NY 8/3
New England 8/4-8/6
NYC 8/7-8/9
New England 8/10 & 8/11
Scotland 8/12-8/17
New England 8/18-8/27
New Orleans LA 8/28-8/31
New England 9/1-9/4
Minneapolis 9/5-9/7
New England 9/8-9/10
Chicago 9/11-9/14
New England 9/15-9/17
LA/SOCAL 9/18-9/21
New England 9/22 & 9/23
Portland OR 9/24-9/26
Seattle 9/27
New England 9/28-10/1
Ft. Myers 10/2
Tampa Area 10/3 & 10/4
Fort Lauderdale 10/5
New England 10/6-10/12
Thailand 10/13-10/25
New England 10/26-10/30
Barcelona 10/31-11/8
New England 11/9-11/12
Phoenix 11/13-11/16
New England 11/17-11/21