last login: 15 hours ago
5 of 5 - Excellent




Thursday, 03/11/2021
TORELLO_ITALIANO (Owner) - Feb 17th, 2014 Fortunately I don't live in this profession and I can choose who to fuck and not to fuck! I hate time wasters, the undecided, those who create a thousand unnecessary worries .... Although I am an escort I have a dignity and I'm so...

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Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5 - Excellent




Thursday, 03/11/2021
TORELLO_ITALIANO (Owner) - Feb 17th, 2014 Fortunately I don't live in this profession and I can choose who to fuck and not to fuck! I hate time wasters, the undecided, those who create a thousand unnecessary worries .... Although I am an escort I have a dignity and I'm so...

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Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Thursday, 03/11/2021
TORELLO_ITALIANO (Owner) - Feb 17th, 2014 Fortunately I don't live in this profession and I can choose who to fuck and not to fuck! I hate time wasters, the undecided, those who create a thousand unnecessary worries .... Although I am an escort I have a dignity and I'm sorry but I'm not for EVERYONE .... For you who left me the last message and I know who you are and for privacy I will not reveal it because in addition to being an escort I am too OMM!
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Thursday, 03/11/2021
TORELLO_ITALIANO (Owner) - Feb 17th, 2014 Fortunately I don't live in this profession and I can choose who to fuck and not to fuck! I hate time wasters, the undecided, those who create a thousand unnecessary worries .... Although I am an escort I have a dignity and I'm sorry but I'm not for EVERYONE .... For you who left me the last message and I know who you are and for privacy I will not reveal it because in addition to being an escort I am too OMM!
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely