last login: 15 hours ago
Paris, France
6488 mi
5 of 5 - Excellent




Saturday, 09/11/2021
Peter was everything I had hoped he would be and more. I really enjoyed our time together and hope I meet him again in future He was punctual and kept in touch regularly before arriving. Once we met, I was very awed by his presence, he is so tall ...

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Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5 - Excellent




Saturday, 09/11/2021
Peter was everything I had hoped he would be and more. I really enjoyed our time together and hope I meet him again in future He was punctual and kept in touch regularly before arriving. Once we met, I was very awed by his presence, he is so tall ...

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Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Saturday, 09/11/2021
Peter was everything I had hoped he would be and more. I really enjoyed our time together and hope I meet him again in future He was punctual and kept in touch regularly before arriving. Once we met, I was very awed by his presence, he is so tall and masculine, but I soon relaxed as we chatted. We had a good conversation. He then asked if he could take a shower, and i saw his body in the flesh properly.... wow! He is stunning! Not ridiculous amounts muscle, but still lots of it. It wasn't long until we were in the bedroom! He is a great kisser, very attentive and good with his hands. I love a good strong massage and his was good! I of course had to massage him too! We had a great evening, very memorable. I was gutted when he left the next morning.
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Saturday, 09/11/2021
Peter was everything I had hoped he would be and more. I really enjoyed our time together and hope I meet him again in future He was punctual and kept in touch regularly before arriving. Once we met, I was very awed by his presence, he is so tall and masculine, but I soon relaxed as we chatted. We had a good conversation. He then asked if he could take a shower, and i saw his body in the flesh properly.... wow! He is stunning! Not ridiculous amounts muscle, but still lots of it. It wasn't long until we were in the bedroom! He is a great kisser, very attentive and good with his hands. I love a good strong massage and his was good! I of course had to massage him too! We had a great evening, very memorable. I was gutted when he left the next morning.
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely