last login: 10 hours ago
Paris, France
6487 mi
5 of 5 - Excellent




Sunday, 01/24/2021
From the earliest contact via text Brian made the whole experience relaxing. When I met him I was not disappointed. His manner was impeccable and he looked amazing. He is a genuine friendly man who immediately put me at my ease. He was keen I had an enjoyable time ...

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Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5 - Excellent




Sunday, 01/24/2021
From the earliest contact via text Brian made the whole experience relaxing. When I met him I was not disappointed. His manner was impeccable and he looked amazing. He is a genuine friendly man who immediately put me at my ease. He was keen I had an enjoyable time ...

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Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Sunday, 01/24/2021
From the earliest contact via text Brian made the whole experience relaxing. When I met him I was not disappointed. His manner was impeccable and he looked amazing. He is a genuine friendly man who immediately put me at my ease. He was keen I had an enjoyable time and he spent the next more than an hour making sure I had a fantastic experience. And that I certainly did. I will not forget this encounter in a hurry. I will definitely be seeing him again when next in London.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Sunday, 01/24/2021
From the earliest contact via text Brian made the whole experience relaxing. When I met him I was not disappointed. His manner was impeccable and he looked amazing. He is a genuine friendly man who immediately put me at my ease. He was keen I had an enjoyable time and he spent the next more than an hour making sure I had a fantastic experience. And that I certainly did. I will not forget this encounter in a hurry. I will definitely be seeing him again when next in London.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely