last login: Yesterday 2:35 PM
Berlin, Germany
6979 mi

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from


Wednesday, 08/19/2020
I saw her and immediately thought it would be a very hot date. The thought should be right and I can only say that the date was sensational and there is guaranteed to be a repeat. Please treat the little cutie with respect or find another one. The hot northern lights only deserve serious and decent men. Express yourself my love
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from


Wednesday, 08/19/2020
I saw her and immediately thought it would be a very hot date. The thought should be right and I can only say that the date was sensational and there is guaranteed to be a repeat. Please treat the little cutie with respect or find another one. The hot northern lights only deserve serious and decent men. Express yourself my love
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely