last login: 7 hours ago
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Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from


Thursday, 01/21/2021
How excited I was when I found out Champ was going to be in Fort Lauderdale at the same time I was. For years I have been trying to meet up with him but could never seem to make that happen due scheduling conflicts on my end. I have always had a major crush on this beautiful man. He is an outstanding actor in his profession and really enjoy his work. I was able to set up a day and time to meet him which was agreed for me to come where he was staying. I don't think I slept the night before due to the excitement I was feeling knowing I was going to finally meet this man. I arrived where Champ was staying and stood face to face with him and thought I was going to faint. He is even more gorgeous in person and yet he is already that in his videos. I had a spectacular session with Champ who made me feel special the whole time. Nothing fake about this guy. If you have seen Champ's videos that will tell you what kind of awesome session we had. I definitely recommend for anyone to meet him. It is worth the time and money spent for time together. I would recommend overnight which is what I will do next time. What a thrill it would be to cuddle with this guy all night and wake up with him at your side.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from


Thursday, 01/21/2021
How excited I was when I found out Champ was going to be in Fort Lauderdale at the same time I was. For years I have been trying to meet up with him but could never seem to make that happen due scheduling conflicts on my end. I have always had a major crush on this beautiful man. He is an outstanding actor in his profession and really enjoy his work. I was able to set up a day and time to meet him which was agreed for me to come where he was staying. I don't think I slept the night before due to the excitement I was feeling knowing I was going to finally meet this man. I arrived where Champ was staying and stood face to face with him and thought I was going to faint. He is even more gorgeous in person and yet he is already that in his videos. I had a spectacular session with Champ who made me feel special the whole time. Nothing fake about this guy. If you have seen Champ's videos that will tell you what kind of awesome session we had. I definitely recommend for anyone to meet him. It is worth the time and money spent for time together. I would recommend overnight which is what I will do next time. What a thrill it would be to cuddle with this guy all night and wake up with him at your side.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely