last login: 8 hours ago

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from


Wednesday, 07/07/2021
Wow, is this guy ever smazing! He is a very good looking guy, tall, and huge in all the right places. Very clean and easy to talk to. Hous a total master with man-on-man sex. His eyes, his mouth, his skin, his scent just ooze hotness and sexuality. He ayes me like an instrument. Once in, his cock just sonehow knows how to find all the right places. Simply awesome! I am totally fantasizing about our next encounter.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from


Wednesday, 07/07/2021
Wow, is this guy ever smazing! He is a very good looking guy, tall, and huge in all the right places. Very clean and easy to talk to. Hous a total master with man-on-man sex. His eyes, his mouth, his skin, his scent just ooze hotness and sexuality. He ayes me like an instrument. Once in, his cock just sonehow knows how to find all the right places. Simply awesome! I am totally fantasizing about our next encounter.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely