last login: 15 hours ago

Overall rating

4 of 5 - Very good
Review from


Friday, 11/26/2021
Fisteur18E - 10.Dec.2015 He is a real rare pearl He can do almost everything, cooking, sewing; cleaning And to top it all off the good baize.où la c'est une champion.iL is equipped with a super heavy 23 cm baton and pounded you the hole and turned you in all directions to make you moan with pleasure. In addition, he enjoys being pumped deeply and I love it too Finally, he does not count his time to satisfy desires / My darling escort who is a mature and very intelligent man is constantly looking perfection And now I fell in love with my top Escort because he is a very endearing guy with a big heart JURY RATING 22/20
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


4 of 5
Review from


Friday, 11/26/2021
Fisteur18E - 10.Dec.2015 He is a real rare pearl He can do almost everything, cooking, sewing; cleaning And to top it all off the good baize.où la c'est une champion.iL is equipped with a super heavy 23 cm baton and pounded you the hole and turned you in all directions to make you moan with pleasure. In addition, he enjoys being pumped deeply and I love it too Finally, he does not count his time to satisfy desires / My darling escort who is a mature and very intelligent man is constantly looking perfection And now I fell in love with my top Escort because he is a very endearing guy with a big heart JURY RATING 22/20
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely