last login: 10 hours ago

Overall rating

4 of 5 - Very good
Review from


Sunday, 08/15/2021
Thank you likeblow for your visit! Got you very, very horny! To be honest, I held back because I couldn't estimate what you could endure ... but the next time you will come to your limits without a hitch ... because I realized you need it! To be worked on with thick, large electric dildo (Stuffer and OMG from With full power, deep anal stimulation! Until your prostate is squeezed empty and your ass tingles for days. I'll pinch your balls in the 'Electroboard': and let you suffer for a long time! Clear; fully bondaged on the treatment table! I can only recommend you to experienced masters! You are a real insider tip! See you soon! electrodude
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


4 of 5
Review from


Sunday, 08/15/2021
Thank you likeblow for your visit! Got you very, very horny! To be honest, I held back because I couldn't estimate what you could endure ... but the next time you will come to your limits without a hitch ... because I realized you need it! To be worked on with thick, large electric dildo (Stuffer and OMG from With full power, deep anal stimulation! Until your prostate is squeezed empty and your ass tingles for days. I'll pinch your balls in the 'Electroboard': and let you suffer for a long time! Clear; fully bondaged on the treatment table! I can only recommend you to experienced masters! You are a real insider tip! See you soon! electrodude
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely