last login: Yesterday 9:00 PM

Overall rating

4 of 5 - Very good
Review from Anonymous Sunday, 12/06/2020
Hello Johann, what more can we say that this man is very well in all respects. an energetic body, beautiful well-defined muscles, wrought iron thighs .... an Olympian God! But that is only the "plastic". What I like about this type of meeting is also the brain ... Johann has a very well built one and he is as comfortable as if we were old friends who meet again after a year of absence . The return to life was brutal, but I will see you again with great pleasure. vs.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


4 of 5
Review from Anonymous
Sunday, 12/06/2020
Hello Johann, what more can we say that this man is very well in all respects. an energetic body, beautiful well-defined muscles, wrought iron thighs .... an Olympian God! But that is only the "plastic". What I like about this type of meeting is also the brain ... Johann has a very well built one and he is as comfortable as if we were old friends who meet again after a year of absence . The return to life was brutal, but I will see you again with great pleasure. vs.
Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely