last login: 4 hours ago

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent
Review from Anonymous Friday, 01/22/2021
I didn't believe the comments left here by everyone who met him. I really thought that most of these judgments were made up or a bit exaggerated to make me want more and lure the "customer".
But I was wrong.
And big.
After I met him I assure you that all that is written is not true, but very true!
She is a very intelligent person, very polite, kind, smiling, confident, full of desire and desire, it didn't even seem to me to be with an escort who carefully calculates her time to send you away, take the next one immediately and make money.
And it was the first time I paid someone for sex ..... I was just imagining a "disposable" relationship ..... and I was still wrong.
His is pure art, something innate, natural, a fairytale body, powerful, natural, a face that sparks desire and desire from all sides, full and soft lips, kisses divinely, a huge hard cock, a savoir faire never ever found before.
With his warm body full of desire he is able to make you really enjoy, moment by moment, careful to make you reach the limit between pain and pleasure, able to turn you on like a lamp and make you moan with pleasure and more pleasure as never before. never, dominate you with his might and virility to the ecstasy that you have hardly experienced before.
After trying him you will want him back and you will never forget him :) Seeing is believing !!!

Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Review from Anonymous
Friday, 01/22/2021
I didn't believe the comments left here by everyone who met him. I really thought that most of these judgments were made up or a bit exaggerated to make me want more and lure the "customer".
But I was wrong.
And big.
After I met him I assure you that all that is written is not true, but very true!
She is a very intelligent person, very polite, kind, smiling, confident, full of desire and desire, it didn't even seem to me to be with an escort who carefully calculates her time to send you away, take the next one immediately and make money.
And it was the first time I paid someone for sex ..... I was just imagining a "disposable" relationship ..... and I was still wrong.
His is pure art, something innate, natural, a fairytale body, powerful, natural, a face that sparks desire and desire from all sides, full and soft lips, kisses divinely, a huge hard cock, a savoir faire never ever found before.
With his warm body full of desire he is able to make you really enjoy, moment by moment, careful to make you reach the limit between pain and pleasure, able to turn you on like a lamp and make you moan with pleasure and more pleasure as never before. never, dominate you with his might and virility to the ecstasy that you have hardly experienced before.
After trying him you will want him back and you will never forget him :) Seeing is believing !!!

Time spent
1 hour
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely