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5 de 5 - Excelente
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jueves, 11/18/2021
Great time, Rusty put me right at ease. His manner, demeanor & confidence put me right where I needed to be. The man is VERY strong, yet he he has a genuinely gentle side too. And he has a very strong sensuality as well. I rate this guy A+++ :) Don't hesitate to call this man. If you do, you are missing out.
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5 de 5
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jueves, 11/18/2021
Great time, Rusty put me right at ease. His manner, demeanor & confidence put me right where I needed to be. The man is VERY strong, yet he he has a genuinely gentle side too. And he has a very strong sensuality as well. I rate this guy A+++ :) Don't hesitate to call this man. If you do, you are missing out.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente