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5 de 5 - Excelente
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martes, 08/24/2021
Holy-Mole! This guy is awesome. I called to schedule a same day appointment and was greeted by a friendly sexy voice that the engaging sound of his voice reassured me that I had made the right choice. I needed to travel, the time was scheduled until I had to decline because my allergies. As the morning passed, I could not get him out of my head, I just had to see him. I called him back, to mentioned that I took some allergy medicine and if he still was available, I still wanted to meet him. As luck would have it, he was very accommodating and we agreed to meet at his place as originally planned. Upon first meeting him, we both chuckled that the same blue shirt and dark shorts we were wearing. For those of you viewing his profile, IM is much more attractive in person. He really is a handsome guy, with a great smile and a voice that will make you want to follow his lead. I want to convey my incredible experience, certainly, a time well spent. This man’s man is without a doubt impressive, engaging, self-assured and very accommodating. If you haven’t figured out by now, just let me say that this experience was the best time I have ever had with any person ever. Speaking for myself getting comfortable with someone takes time. It needs a back-ground of humor shared together, a certain track of mutual appreciation with shared complements, so that you know that your own desires and your companion’s are really moving towards the same unsuspected observation, sudden glimpses, mini confidences when hearts speak to candid heart. It has taken several years to truly find a genuine person that offers very natural affection and confidence. And, for those of you looking and whatever you are looking for, IM is a must see, must meet guy that will far exceed your expectations. To IM: thank you so very much and I look forward to seeing you for another visit.
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5 de 5
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martes, 08/24/2021
Holy-Mole! This guy is awesome. I called to schedule a same day appointment and was greeted by a friendly sexy voice that the engaging sound of his voice reassured me that I had made the right choice. I needed to travel, the time was scheduled until I had to decline because my allergies. As the morning passed, I could not get him out of my head, I just had to see him. I called him back, to mentioned that I took some allergy medicine and if he still was available, I still wanted to meet him. As luck would have it, he was very accommodating and we agreed to meet at his place as originally planned. Upon first meeting him, we both chuckled that the same blue shirt and dark shorts we were wearing. For those of you viewing his profile, IM is much more attractive in person. He really is a handsome guy, with a great smile and a voice that will make you want to follow his lead. I want to convey my incredible experience, certainly, a time well spent. This man’s man is without a doubt impressive, engaging, self-assured and very accommodating. If you haven’t figured out by now, just let me say that this experience was the best time I have ever had with any person ever. Speaking for myself getting comfortable with someone takes time. It needs a back-ground of humor shared together, a certain track of mutual appreciation with shared complements, so that you know that your own desires and your companion’s are really moving towards the same unsuspected observation, sudden glimpses, mini confidences when hearts speak to candid heart. It has taken several years to truly find a genuine person that offers very natural affection and confidence. And, for those of you looking and whatever you are looking for, IM is a must see, must meet guy that will far exceed your expectations. To IM: thank you so very much and I look forward to seeing you for another visit.
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