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5 de 5 - Excelente
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jueves, 03/04/2021
Ok. I have to write yet another review on here. Flavio, thank you for being so beautiful a person and so generous and kind. I really appreciate those wonderful qualities in you. I really do. Yes you are handsome and yes you have a beautiful body, but as I've said in the past, all of that does not compare the light of your kind soul. I will miss you. And hope that you have the most Joyous Holiday Season. You deserve it. You, as a young man who obviously was raised with fine culture and quality. You must have equally amazing parents. I just want you to know that your true and genuinely vibrant and pure light continues to draw me in. There is absolutely no one like you. No one even close to the style, grace and equanimity in the ease with which you comport yourself in being hospitable to those you spend time with. I thank you kindly. More than perhaps you know. See you in January. BRANDO
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5 de 5
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jueves, 03/04/2021
Ok. I have to write yet another review on here. Flavio, thank you for being so beautiful a person and so generous and kind. I really appreciate those wonderful qualities in you. I really do. Yes you are handsome and yes you have a beautiful body, but as I've said in the past, all of that does not compare the light of your kind soul. I will miss you. And hope that you have the most Joyous Holiday Season. You deserve it. You, as a young man who obviously was raised with fine culture and quality. You must have equally amazing parents. I just want you to know that your true and genuinely vibrant and pure light continues to draw me in. There is absolutely no one like you. No one even close to the style, grace and equanimity in the ease with which you comport yourself in being hospitable to those you spend time with. I thank you kindly. More than perhaps you know. See you in January. BRANDO
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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