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5 de 5 - Excelente
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miércoles, 06/16/2021
Ok, well, it's simple... You should stop searching and just go ahead and book Oliver. He was just great. Very handsome, a very cute smile, a beautiful body and - boy-o-boy, he was superb at just creating the most sensual atmosphere that persuaded me to do a lot more than I normally would. Converting me Top to btm in 1 hour, now that took patience and talent! Oliver was extremely clean and caring. A top quality experience.
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1 Hora
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5 de 5
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miércoles, 06/16/2021
Ok, well, it's simple... You should stop searching and just go ahead and book Oliver. He was just great. Very handsome, a very cute smile, a beautiful body and - boy-o-boy, he was superb at just creating the most sensual atmosphere that persuaded me to do a lot more than I normally would. Converting me Top to btm in 1 hour, now that took patience and talent! Oliver was extremely clean and caring. A top quality experience.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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Sí, al día
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