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5 de 5 - Excelente
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sábado, 08/07/2021
We meet regularly! We had several overnights and two days encounters in Paris, Milan, Berlin and Rome. He’s really a very nice person: kind, well educated and caring, with his clear eyes and his sneaky smile. He’s a real “animal” for sex or if you prefer a great sex machine: tireless, intense and immaginative. Duration, intensity and variation of action are his main features. A terrific fucker!!!! We have created a very good chemistry. As far as I know him, I’m more relaxed and the overall experience is very pleasant. He’s very spontaneous and tends to inform you about his private life. I strongly recommend him. It will be for you a very high value experience.
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5 de 5
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sábado, 08/07/2021
We meet regularly! We had several overnights and two days encounters in Paris, Milan, Berlin and Rome. He’s really a very nice person: kind, well educated and caring, with his clear eyes and his sneaky smile. He’s a real “animal” for sex or if you prefer a great sex machine: tireless, intense and immaginative. Duration, intensity and variation of action are his main features. A terrific fucker!!!! We have created a very good chemistry. As far as I know him, I’m more relaxed and the overall experience is very pleasant. He’s very spontaneous and tends to inform you about his private life. I strongly recommend him. It will be for you a very high value experience.
Tiempo empleado
toda la noche
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente