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5 de 5 - Excelente
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sábado, 08/15/2020
I first met Ron in April, 2015. He is amazing. Ron is charming and it is a great pleasure to spend time with him. Since our first encounter, we have gotten together about a dozen times. The more I get the more I want. Ron Has a an amazing ability to make people feel comfortable in his presence. I feel that Ron is not just an escort. He has become a friend. I will definitely be seeing him as often as possible in the future. If you want a really terrific evening with an extremely nice and sexy guy, you should try Ron. He wont disappoint you.
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5 de 5
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sábado, 08/15/2020
I first met Ron in April, 2015. He is amazing. Ron is charming and it is a great pleasure to spend time with him. Since our first encounter, we have gotten together about a dozen times. The more I get the more I want. Ron Has a an amazing ability to make people feel comfortable in his presence. I feel that Ron is not just an escort. He has become a friend. I will definitely be seeing him as often as possible in the future. If you want a really terrific evening with an extremely nice and sexy guy, you should try Ron. He wont disappoint you.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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