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5 de 5 - Excelente
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lunes, 02/22/2021
Mp was very much a gentleman from the beginning. We had little conversation on the phone at first and I told him what I was looking for and he had no problem providing it at all. Guys when he stated in his profile that he was no Rodeo star, but he could ride. He was not joking, about wore me out. I will be calling on Michael_Paul again soon.
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5 de 5
Revisión de


lunes, 02/22/2021
Mp was very much a gentleman from the beginning. We had little conversation on the phone at first and I told him what I was looking for and he had no problem providing it at all. Guys when he stated in his profile that he was no Rodeo star, but he could ride. He was not joking, about wore me out. I will be calling on Michael_Paul again soon.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente