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5 de 5 - Excelente
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martes, 09/29/2020
I met Ryan in Manchester for an overnight. He kept in touch all the way up to his arrival. He is a very attractive person with a sweet, kind and caring nature. We sat and chatted for a while before going out to dinner. When we eventually got to bed, Ryan was amazingly sexy and passionate. He took infinite pains to satisfy me and I couldn't have been more pleased. The next day he stayed with me until the afternoon when his train left for Glasgow. We parted determined to meet again. Since then we have been in constant contact planning the next move. I cannot wait to be with him again. Thankyou, Ryan, for lighting up my life.
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1 Hora
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5 de 5
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martes, 09/29/2020
I met Ryan in Manchester for an overnight. He kept in touch all the way up to his arrival. He is a very attractive person with a sweet, kind and caring nature. We sat and chatted for a while before going out to dinner. When we eventually got to bed, Ryan was amazingly sexy and passionate. He took infinite pains to satisfy me and I couldn't have been more pleased. The next day he stayed with me until the afternoon when his train left for Glasgow. We parted determined to meet again. Since then we have been in constant contact planning the next move. I cannot wait to be with him again. Thankyou, Ryan, for lighting up my life.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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Sí, al día
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