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5 de 5 - Excelente
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miércoles, 06/09/2021
I met with Brick at a very nice hotel in DC. I was a little hesitant since we had really not spoken except briefly the morning of the meeting. But for the brief time on the phone, he seemed like a nice guy, and I am really glad that I met up with him. A super nice guy, and very hot too. So I would recommend him.
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5 de 5
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miércoles, 06/09/2021
I met with Brick at a very nice hotel in DC. I was a little hesitant since we had really not spoken except briefly the morning of the meeting. But for the brief time on the phone, he seemed like a nice guy, and I am really glad that I met up with him. A super nice guy, and very hot too. So I would recommend him.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente