último inicio de sesión: 3 Horas Hace
Dohma, Alemania
7102 mi

Valoración general

4 de 5 - Muy bien
Revisión de


jueves, 02/18/2021
I am addicted of the massage and I have already tried many time all over the world, but that I discovered with Vassili is largely better than all my previous experiences. For a non medical massage, this handsome guy arrives to adjust his service to your requirement, your pain and your morphology. When you leave him, first you don't remember any more since how long you 're there and also you feel like a second birth. Go and meet him without hesitation so that to enjoy his treatment and you will discover the real meaning of the word massage. Any risk to be disappointed
A very big thanks to allow me to enjoy your skill.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Muy relajado
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente


4 de 5
Revisión de


jueves, 02/18/2021
I am addicted of the massage and I have already tried many time all over the world, but that I discovered with Vassili is largely better than all my previous experiences. For a non medical massage, this handsome guy arrives to adjust his service to your requirement, your pain and your morphology. When you leave him, first you don't remember any more since how long you 're there and also you feel like a second birth. Go and meet him without hesitation so that to enjoy his treatment and you will discover the real meaning of the word massage. Any risk to be disappointed
A very big thanks to allow me to enjoy your skill.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Muy relajado
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente