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Valoración general

5 de 5 - Excelente
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viernes, 10/30/2020
Dolph is more stunningly handsome in person! He is also accomplished and has the mark of not only a fine young gentleman but he is open-minded and thoughtful, as well as articulate. His technique-- particularly his wrestling maneuvers leave an indelible mark. And there is a humility, poise, and a willingness to "teach" one willing to learn why wrestling is a sport and a discipline and a work of art. His physique, form, face "take one's breath away." Gazing upward while he stands above you-- you would swear that he could inspire any sculptor-- although wholly and flawlessly armored in human flesh!
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1 Hora
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5 de 5
Revisión de


viernes, 10/30/2020
Dolph is more stunningly handsome in person! He is also accomplished and has the mark of not only a fine young gentleman but he is open-minded and thoughtful, as well as articulate. His technique-- particularly his wrestling maneuvers leave an indelible mark. And there is a humility, poise, and a willingness to "teach" one willing to learn why wrestling is a sport and a discipline and a work of art. His physique, form, face "take one's breath away." Gazing upward while he stands above you-- you would swear that he could inspire any sculptor-- although wholly and flawlessly armored in human flesh!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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