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5 de 5 - Excelente
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viernes, 07/03/2020
I called Flavio while he was out of the country and he couldn’t have been more debonair. Flavio is one of those rare people who is truly a sophisticated, articulate, sweet, knowledgeable, funny and an all around well rounded young man. His body is absolutely beautiful but in comparison to his face, no one's body could compair. The face of and angel and a beautiful a smile of white teeth that takes your breath away. He truly had that effect on me. When I tell you I think he will be the one and only man I will procure the company of on this or any other site, I absolutely mean it. He is truly in the vain of the truest of romantic lovers of the Silver screen. To look at him is to fall in love with him. A completely, beautiful soul, in every sense of the word, in however way anyone could ever articulate it. He stands alone. NO COMPARISON. He is an amazing stunning young man who is truly "Real Crush material." Flavio, I must see you again, before you leave on the thirteenth.
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5 de 5
Revisión de


viernes, 07/03/2020
I called Flavio while he was out of the country and he couldn’t have been more debonair. Flavio is one of those rare people who is truly a sophisticated, articulate, sweet, knowledgeable, funny and an all around well rounded young man. His body is absolutely beautiful but in comparison to his face, no one's body could compair. The face of and angel and a beautiful a smile of white teeth that takes your breath away. He truly had that effect on me. When I tell you I think he will be the one and only man I will procure the company of on this or any other site, I absolutely mean it. He is truly in the vain of the truest of romantic lovers of the Silver screen. To look at him is to fall in love with him. A completely, beautiful soul, in every sense of the word, in however way anyone could ever articulate it. He stands alone. NO COMPARISON. He is an amazing stunning young man who is truly "Real Crush material." Flavio, I must see you again, before you leave on the thirteenth.
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1 Hora
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