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1 de 5 - Malo
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martes, 05/11/2021
I made an appointment with him at 1:20pm for 2:00pm. There was a lot of traffic so within 10 minutes of me leaving for his place which means it was about 1:30pm I told him I wouldn't be there until 2:30. I arrived earlier than 2:30 but waited to go in. He texted me the wrong number of his address which took him 1o0 minutes to give me the correct one. He was very nice and polite but he cut my time from 1 hour to a half hour. If I had made the appointment yesterday for a few days ago I would understand, but I made the appointment less than 40 minutes prior and changed it quickly. I felt that was very unfair!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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1 de 5
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martes, 05/11/2021
I made an appointment with him at 1:20pm for 2:00pm. There was a lot of traffic so within 10 minutes of me leaving for his place which means it was about 1:30pm I told him I wouldn't be there until 2:30. I arrived earlier than 2:30 but waited to go in. He texted me the wrong number of his address which took him 1o0 minutes to give me the correct one. He was very nice and polite but he cut my time from 1 hour to a half hour. If I had made the appointment yesterday for a few days ago I would understand, but I made the appointment less than 40 minutes prior and changed it quickly. I felt that was very unfair!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día