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5 de 5 - Excelente
Revisión de Anónimo miércoles, 09/15/2021
I should have written this months ago, Charlie is one of the sexiest men I have met - a great body, handsome and with some amazing tattoos.

He is also one of the nicest guys - considerate, intelligent, fun, very good company, talented ;-) - both extremely sexy and sexual. Time spent with Charlie is time very well spent, you will not be disappointed.

I cannot recommend Charlie highly enough, he is one of the best.
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5 de 5
Revisión de Anónimo
miércoles, 09/15/2021
I should have written this months ago, Charlie is one of the sexiest men I have met - a great body, handsome and with some amazing tattoos.

He is also one of the nicest guys - considerate, intelligent, fun, very good company, talented ;-) - both extremely sexy and sexual. Time spent with Charlie is time very well spent, you will not be disappointed.

I cannot recommend Charlie highly enough, he is one of the best.
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1 Hora
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Sí, absolutamente