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5 de 5 - Excelente
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domingo, 12/20/2020
Giancarlo is something special! He is a handsome man with a perfect good shape body, but he is much more than that. He is one the most talented masseur I have experienced in my life. He has strong / caring / healing hands. He has an intuitive understanding of the body which makes his massage more effective than any I've ever tried before. He applies just the right amount of pressure, has a keen sense of the areas that need extra attention, and balances deep pressure with sensitive touch. On top of all of that, he is thoughtful, intelligent, and engaging. His massage is a perfetct combination between muscolar and sensual touch. Well recommended! If you are in Milan do not miss his expertise!
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1 Hora
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5 de 5
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domingo, 12/20/2020
Giancarlo is something special! He is a handsome man with a perfect good shape body, but he is much more than that. He is one the most talented masseur I have experienced in my life. He has strong / caring / healing hands. He has an intuitive understanding of the body which makes his massage more effective than any I've ever tried before. He applies just the right amount of pressure, has a keen sense of the areas that need extra attention, and balances deep pressure with sensitive touch. On top of all of that, he is thoughtful, intelligent, and engaging. His massage is a perfetct combination between muscolar and sensual touch. Well recommended! If you are in Milan do not miss his expertise!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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