último inicio de sesión: 3 Horas Hace

Valoración general

5 de 5 - Excelente
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sábado, 03/13/2021
Lance had a gruff and not very welcoming manner. He asked me to give him the money up front. I refused, saying no one had asked me for that before. He insisted I show him the $$. He is a good masseur, good with his hands--I can recommend that, but he never got hard and didn't seem interested in making me have a good time. I had to call it quits after less than 1/2 hr., gave him the money he asked for, and left.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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5 de 5
Revisión de


sábado, 03/13/2021
Lance had a gruff and not very welcoming manner. He asked me to give him the money up front. I refused, saying no one had asked me for that before. He insisted I show him the $$. He is a good masseur, good with his hands--I can recommend that, but he never got hard and didn't seem interested in making me have a good time. I had to call it quits after less than 1/2 hr., gave him the money he asked for, and left.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Muy relajado
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente