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Valoración general

5 de 5 - Excelente
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miércoles, 03/03/2021
i was looking for a local escort as I had a free evening on my own and wanted some company. Contact was made and arrangements disussed. Tom was able to come along at my invitation and was prompt. I was nervous but need not have worried. I was put at ease and we very much enjoyed each others company for a couple of hours. He was excellent in his company and I was so pleased that I had found him. I really look forward to being able to invite him again for another memorable evening.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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5 de 5
Revisión de


miércoles, 03/03/2021
i was looking for a local escort as I had a free evening on my own and wanted some company. Contact was made and arrangements disussed. Tom was able to come along at my invitation and was prompt. I was nervous but need not have worried. I was put at ease and we very much enjoyed each others company for a couple of hours. He was excellent in his company and I was so pleased that I had found him. I really look forward to being able to invite him again for another memorable evening.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Muy relajado
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente