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5 de 5 - Excelente
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martes, 05/25/2021
I been wanting to meet Abel for months and I did my research on him. After watching his YouTube videos, reading his reviews, and admiring his pictures, I knew that my time with him will be unforgettable. The night of our meeting he showed up at my hotel right on time, he was wearing a gray jacket, over a pair of jeans and a white tshirt; he looked straight out of a fashion magazine. Abel is one of the most handsome men I have ever met. He has model looks, with an amazing smile. His body is right up there with his face, toned, well-defined lean body, and smooth silky skin. I will hire Abel every time I am in NYC.
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2 Horas
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5 de 5
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martes, 05/25/2021
I been wanting to meet Abel for months and I did my research on him. After watching his YouTube videos, reading his reviews, and admiring his pictures, I knew that my time with him will be unforgettable. The night of our meeting he showed up at my hotel right on time, he was wearing a gray jacket, over a pair of jeans and a white tshirt; he looked straight out of a fashion magazine. Abel is one of the most handsome men I have ever met. He has model looks, with an amazing smile. His body is right up there with his face, toned, well-defined lean body, and smooth silky skin. I will hire Abel every time I am in NYC.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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