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5 de 5 - Excelente
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martes, 09/29/2020
Saw him for a few hours tonight. Wow. He is stunning ... magnificent natural physique ... incredible proportions, with stunning traps, arms, pecs, gluts and quads ...better than the pix, but I like the unpumped natural muscle and he has it in spades! He is also beautiful ... flawless skin, handsome ... but probably even more beautiful on the inside. Many escorts advertise "no attitude." This young man has a gracious attitude, accommodating, so sweet ... not sure how long he is going to be doing this, especially at these incredibly reasonable prices ... book this boy. He is a once in a lifetime. Finest experience ever! Michael
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3 Horas
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5 de 5
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martes, 09/29/2020
Saw him for a few hours tonight. Wow. He is stunning ... magnificent natural physique ... incredible proportions, with stunning traps, arms, pecs, gluts and quads ...better than the pix, but I like the unpumped natural muscle and he has it in spades! He is also beautiful ... flawless skin, handsome ... but probably even more beautiful on the inside. Many escorts advertise "no attitude." This young man has a gracious attitude, accommodating, so sweet ... not sure how long he is going to be doing this, especially at these incredibly reasonable prices ... book this boy. He is a once in a lifetime. Finest experience ever! Michael
Tiempo empleado
3 Horas
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