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3 de 5 - bien
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viernes, 07/17/2020
Was excited to meet Castro as have been following his porn career from Europe and enamoured by his big dick (which it really is very big). On first meet he is very pleasant and talkative and quite interesting however once the sex starts he becomes dominant to the point of verbal aggressiveness which I was not expecting and found it a bit scary at times . Maybe he was just mad with me because I was not doing what he wanted I don't know?? It was a bit frightening and was not relaxing or enjoyable for me as I am not into that type of thing at all however for some people they may like that.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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3 de 5
Revisión de


viernes, 07/17/2020
Was excited to meet Castro as have been following his porn career from Europe and enamoured by his big dick (which it really is very big). On first meet he is very pleasant and talkative and quite interesting however once the sex starts he becomes dominant to the point of verbal aggressiveness which I was not expecting and found it a bit scary at times . Maybe he was just mad with me because I was not doing what he wanted I don't know?? It was a bit frightening and was not relaxing or enjoyable for me as I am not into that type of thing at all however for some people they may like that.
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
Fotos actualizadas
Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente