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5 de 5 - Excelente
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viernes, 10/23/2020
He looks even better in person! Nice guy! He makes you feel like the center of the Universe. Fun to be with and can carry on a conversation! I enjoyed my time and will be booking again with him. I would highly recommend him! Plus he accent makes it out of this world! Nice body, great smile and a good kisser! He puts a lot of effort into your time together!
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5 de 5
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viernes, 10/23/2020
He looks even better in person! Nice guy! He makes you feel like the center of the Universe. Fun to be with and can carry on a conversation! I enjoyed my time and will be booking again with him. I would highly recommend him! Plus he accent makes it out of this world! Nice body, great smile and a good kisser! He puts a lot of effort into your time together!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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