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5 de 5 - Excelente
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miércoles, 08/18/2021
Rusty is pretty amazing. I wanted muscle worship and he was able to deliver completely and I hope he gets into doing it more often, as he has an amazing body. His abs are like steel, and his arms are bigger than you would think. He has more potential to get bigger too, and hopefully he does...but even like this he is on god status. I could worship for hours and hours. If you are remotely interested, DO IT, without hesitation call him.
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2 Horas
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5 de 5
Revisión de


miércoles, 08/18/2021
Rusty is pretty amazing. I wanted muscle worship and he was able to deliver completely and I hope he gets into doing it more often, as he has an amazing body. His abs are like steel, and his arms are bigger than you would think. He has more potential to get bigger too, and hopefully he does...but even like this he is on god status. I could worship for hours and hours. If you are remotely interested, DO IT, without hesitation call him.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente