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5 de 5 - Excelente
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domingo, 12/06/2020
If your looking for a man who lives up to his pictures, profile, and attitude, then Jake is your man. I like to hire from RENTMEN, because the men I'm hiring can read my profile, and see exactly what I'm looking for. I've hired some good escorts, some bad, but only one other time did I hire AN EXCELENT MAN, and JAKE SURPASSED HIM. I spent 4 of the best hours of my sexual life this past weekend. Jake is everything he says he is and far more. He has a mind, a personality, a body, cock, hand, hole and so much more. I thought I had experienced all of my fetish drems, but Jake took me to new places that I didn't know existed. I look forward to playing with him very often in the near future. If you don't play with Jake, your the one who will lose. THANK YOU SIR for the time of my life. manfunk
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5 de 5
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domingo, 12/06/2020
If your looking for a man who lives up to his pictures, profile, and attitude, then Jake is your man. I like to hire from RENTMEN, because the men I'm hiring can read my profile, and see exactly what I'm looking for. I've hired some good escorts, some bad, but only one other time did I hire AN EXCELENT MAN, and JAKE SURPASSED HIM. I spent 4 of the best hours of my sexual life this past weekend. Jake is everything he says he is and far more. He has a mind, a personality, a body, cock, hand, hole and so much more. I thought I had experienced all of my fetish drems, but Jake took me to new places that I didn't know existed. I look forward to playing with him very often in the near future. If you don't play with Jake, your the one who will lose. THANK YOU SIR for the time of my life. manfunk
Tiempo empleado
3 Horas
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