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5 de 5 - Excelente
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lunes, 09/21/2020
I met Gabriel a few years ago while in NYC and I still look back on that time as enlightening. He was incredibly kind, personable, and knew how to make me feel comfortable. Gabriel is very handsome and is the kind of guy you always want around, for dinner and for friendship. He has a wide range of talents and interests and excels in them all.
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2 Horas
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5 de 5
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lunes, 09/21/2020
I met Gabriel a few years ago while in NYC and I still look back on that time as enlightening. He was incredibly kind, personable, and knew how to make me feel comfortable. Gabriel is very handsome and is the kind of guy you always want around, for dinner and for friendship. He has a wide range of talents and interests and excels in them all.
Tiempo empleado
2 Horas
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente