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Valoración general

5 de 5 - Excelente
Revisión de


lunes, 01/11/2021
I have known Travis for some time now, and enjoy his company enormously. Always willing (and very able) to please, incredibly tactile, and a guy who was obviously specifically designed to fit into a pair of tight CK's very snugly indeed, a visit from Travis is a guarantee of pure pleasure. Always determined to please in whatever way you might want to imagine (although I haven't yet exhausted all the possibilities - as far as I know .....!), I guarantee that an evening with Travis will always leave you wanting more - and what could be better than that!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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5 de 5
Revisión de


lunes, 01/11/2021
I have known Travis for some time now, and enjoy his company enormously. Always willing (and very able) to please, incredibly tactile, and a guy who was obviously specifically designed to fit into a pair of tight CK's very snugly indeed, a visit from Travis is a guarantee of pure pleasure. Always determined to please in whatever way you might want to imagine (although I haven't yet exhausted all the possibilities - as far as I know .....!), I guarantee that an evening with Travis will always leave you wanting more - and what could be better than that!
Tiempo empleado
1 Hora
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Sí, al día
Sí, absolutamente