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5 de 5 - Excelente
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viernes, 05/01/2020
Ok this guy is the real deal. He has a very quipped dungeon play space and a masculine dominant attitude to match! He is seriously porn worthy hot and has the most package Ive ever seen! I cant believe I took it all (not that he gave me a choice or anything) Over all, he is rough, tough , and aggressive when you want him to be.... but knows exactly when to compliment that by being soft and passionate. He is worth every penny and have been a weekly regular of his for almost 4 months. This guy is a gay mans wet-dream!!
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4 Horas
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5 de 5
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viernes, 05/01/2020
Ok this guy is the real deal. He has a very quipped dungeon play space and a masculine dominant attitude to match! He is seriously porn worthy hot and has the most package Ive ever seen! I cant believe I took it all (not that he gave me a choice or anything) Over all, he is rough, tough , and aggressive when you want him to be.... but knows exactly when to compliment that by being soft and passionate. He is worth every penny and have been a weekly regular of his for almost 4 months. This guy is a gay mans wet-dream!!
Tiempo empleado
4 Horas
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