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5 de 5 - Excelente




lunes, 03/01/2021
I met this guy fairly recently and our time together was enlightening and somewhat surprising in the nicest possible way. Nice appearance, impeccable manners and enjoyable company. To add to the menu there was a beautiful lean body fit, in essence, for a 'king!'... No time was wasted finding ...

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5 de 5 - Excelente




lunes, 03/01/2021
I met this guy fairly recently and our time together was enlightening and somewhat surprising in the nicest possible way. Nice appearance, impeccable manners and enjoyable company. To add to the menu there was a beautiful lean body fit, in essence, for a 'king!'... No time was wasted finding ...

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5 de 5
lunes, 03/01/2021
I met this guy fairly recently and our time together was enlightening and somewhat surprising in the nicest possible way. Nice appearance, impeccable manners and enjoyable company. To add to the menu there was a beautiful lean body fit, in essence, for a 'king!'... No time was wasted finding out what we had both brought to the party and what we wanted as a result. Wow! We met initially at a Sauna on a Saturday afternoon and the rest is history! This is Five Star treatment - make no mistake!! 'D' - xx
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5 de 5
lunes, 03/01/2021
I met this guy fairly recently and our time together was enlightening and somewhat surprising in the nicest possible way. Nice appearance, impeccable manners and enjoyable company. To add to the menu there was a beautiful lean body fit, in essence, for a 'king!'... No time was wasted finding out what we had both brought to the party and what we wanted as a result. Wow! We met initially at a Sauna on a Saturday afternoon and the rest is history! This is Five Star treatment - make no mistake!! 'D' - xx
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