hotboyireland-xxl - مرافقة الذكور في دبلن

Hello, My name is Luan, but you can call me Luh:) I haven't been in London long but so far...


My name is Luan, but you can call me Luh:) I haven't been in London long but so far i'm in love every minute of it. I am a a graduate in Fashion back home and i have had the pleasure of working with many top Brazilian designers. My Goal is to become a fashion designer. Maybe I could bring the catwalk into your home? You should see what i can do when i have my own private audience. Whatever you love and desire i will give you what you are looking for.

Fancy your own fireman or a police office? See what happens when you break the law ;) Do you like the school nerd with the nerdy black glasses? Just tell me how nerdy you want and you'll have our own private nerd. Whatever it is that turns you on just tell me what it is and you will get exactly what you ask for. Not sure what you want, no problem, I will explore you myself and find out what you have been looking for and help find what it is that really does turn you on. I am great a find out the pleasures you might not even know about.

A little about me and why you should meet me. Firstly i will make you feel like you are the only person that matters. I will make you forget about any sadness or pain you may have. I will make you feel more special than you have ever felt before. I will make you smile, laugh, make you highly excited just like it was your first ever sexual. I will make you tingle. Together we will explore each other and it will be perfect, just as it should. Just as you deserve.

Remember, i am yours! Whatever your desire I would love to be the one that is gives it to you. I am here for you and only you. If you are lonely, shy or have never had the experience of an escort or a man before, please don't worry. I've been there myself. I will help you make your first time a dream. I will show you what you have been missing and let you explore my body for as long as you want. Only at your own pace. And remember, you are the boss, you're in control, unless you want me to take charge, which i will :)

A little bit more about me: I pride myself on keeping fit and healthy, i go the gym a few times a week to keep my smooth body in shape. I eat well, I don't smoke but you can of course. I have a lot of energy and stamina that never seems to go down. Oh well, it can only benefit you right? ;)

What makes me special: I am VERY flexible. I can position my body is many ways most people can't do. I learned how i was from my years as a top gymnast. I am also a great swimmer and love my speedos; tigher the better. Do you want to a professional dancer give you a private dance you will be impressed when you see how wide i spread my legs ;)

I am extremelly caring, honest and reliable, i'm a good listener and i'm good at reading people, which help me give you what you really want without having to tell me. Or you can tell me upfront and I will serve.

I am versatile and 100% save. I do have duo partners if you fancy a double act ( I only work with similar models that have the qualities i have) if you want to have that special treat, Whatever it is you want I/We will make it happen.

Send me a message and say hi. Call me if you fancy a quick chat. I will reply immediately, unless i'm in school.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Vini xxx

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علامات التصنيف الخاصة بي
7 صور خاصة
معرض خاص
قم بالتسجيل لمشاهدة جميع الصور.
5 من 5 - ممتازة




am Saturday, 05/29/2021
لقد كان لدي رفقة العديد من المرافقين على مدار السنوات الخمس الماضية ، ويمكنني أن أقول بصراحة إنني لم أمضِ وقتًا جيدًا كما فعلت مع فينيسيوس. كان الأمر كما لو كان في رأسي وكان يعرف بالضبط ما أريده دون أن أسأل. لم أكن مثل المرافقين الآخرين الذين كنت معه...

قراءة الاستعراض الكامل »

الوقت المستغرق
1 ساعه
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نعم، محدث
نعم، بالتأكيد




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158 lbs



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نشط ٪26 سلبي، متعدد الاستخدامات

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ن خ

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