hotbiboymg - مرافقة الذكور في Dahl

Singer-Songwriter, Dancer, Actor Freelance Male Model. I'm Fun, I'm Fierce And I Love To Lau...

Singer-Songwriter, Dancer, Actor Freelance Male Model. I'm Fun, I'm Fierce And I Love To Laugh!

I Am... Joey Panda The Posh Gangster.

Magnetic, elusive, sexy and determined. That’s me Chewe I'am probably one of the most misunderstood people that my friends know. I have had a pretty bad rap over the years, but that’s just because what people don’t understand, they tend to fear. That cool aloofness is just the surface of my complex nature, and is by no means bad. Below the surface of my cool exterior is a scorching and passionate fire. You know it and others sense it too.

Allthough I am quite hung myself, I am not a size queen. big or small I work with all shapes and sized cocks.

I have quite a sexy bod and can get away with quite the skimpyest of outfits, especially in the summer. l leave nothing left to the imagination as to what I look like naked. I'm a toned loking guy of 5ft.11inch with coloured hair, light brown eyes and light brown skin. I'm always told by guys that the best part of my body is from the waist down as they always admire/compliment my legs, thighs and ASS!

I'm always Horny AF,thirsty/up for a little fun action and my mouth is always open/availible for some ass or dick bubble, hung or otherwise. I love taking it from behind anywhich way.

If and when you book me I will make sure I'm the first to reach over and unbotton your clothes. You can do the same to me. Majority of the time I go camando and have nothing else underneath, if not I can slip my clothes down.

I'm natraully very smooth, I'm only quite hairy in some places. Asside from this you can dominate however you see fit.

My cock is thick and I'm not lose!

My hole is (very tight!) and tasty. Put me in any posistion you want, you do not have to ask. Just take command.

If you are hung ?

Be sure that you are up for buying a bottle of lube for when you penatrate because I'm so narrow I might use up the one you currently have. Please have petience and be willing to stretch out my hole and fill out my ass before you start pounding away, all I need is a little time to get accustomed to the magnitude.

We can be as loud or as quite as you want, it's compleatly up to you ? All you need to do is tell me to take your dick and your wish is my command.

Softcore mild to Savgely Wild !

Slow or fast, whatever pace suits you best.

I give and recieve cum and I swallow. Do bare in mind I do not cum easily and it takes quite allot so you have a good oppotunity to get the best out of our time together.

Afterwards I'm a good laid back companion and Love taking showers with my clients if they ask, I'm more than happy to clean up the mess we made together.

After all said and done I will thank you for your time and money and reasure you that I'm more than happy to do it again if and when I'm availible.

Remember I will always make sure that I not only give you value for money but leave you wanting MORE !

07765465119 HIV Neg, Always Safe and I Travel Only!

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أنا أزور


في الساعة
في الليلة









138 lbs



شعر الجسم

الشعر الصغير







أنا أتكلم







XL, تقطيعه




نشط ٪26 سلبي، متعدد الاستخدامات

ن خ

لينة SM فقط

أكثر أمنا الجنس





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