أرسل لي هدية - رئيس الوزراء أو تعزيز لي كمرافق الأسبوع
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dreamyboytoy - مرافقة مثلي الجنس في بلادوينسفيل
I'm a 21 year old transgender gay guy, slim with a handful of tattoos. I was born female and medical...
I'm a 21 year old transgender gay guy, slim with a handful of tattoos. I was born female and medically transitioned to male through hormones and surgery so I've got a low voice, flat chest, grow facial hair etc appear male when I'm at the gym, running errands, in class, whatever.... PLUS all the downstairs equipment I was born with. I'm a cute student guy with a secret you can find out about ;)
If you've even been curious I'm super open to answering questions, new experiences, connoisseurs, special requests. Let me know what I can do for you!
Bonus details about me: I'm an avid cyclist, involved student, fluent in French, a handyman, can draw anything in a superbly realistic way, and am also a secret hedonist with a dark side.
يحتوي هذا الموقع على مواد للبالغين ويحظر على الأشخاص دون سن 18 عامًا. من خلال دخول الموقع أؤكد أنني أكثر من 18 سنة ونتفق مع شروط الخدمة و
سياسة الخصوصية