last login: 19 hours ago

Overall rating

5 of 5 - Excellent




Friday, 06/25/2021
Wonderful body, killer smile, sympathetic and friendly. He really crave connection, intimacy and pleasure. We had a long encounter in London yesterday night: he’s very professional, always horny and imaginative. He helped me to find new erogene zones!!!! Highly recommended for a sexual and personal experience. Do I becom...

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Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5 - Excellent




Friday, 06/25/2021
Wonderful body, killer smile, sympathetic and friendly. He really crave connection, intimacy and pleasure. We had a long encounter in London yesterday night: he’s very professional, always horny and imaginative. He helped me to find new erogene zones!!!! Highly recommended for a sexual and personal experience. Do I becom...

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Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely


5 of 5
Friday, 06/25/2021
Wonderful body, killer smile, sympathetic and friendly. He really crave connection, intimacy and pleasure. We had a long encounter in London yesterday night: he’s very professional, always horny and imaginative. He helped me to find new erogene zones!!!! Highly recommended for a sexual and personal experience. Do I become a “frequent flyer”? Max è un figo stratosferico! Fisico curato, atletico e definito, senza eccessi di “palestratura”. Carattere simpatico e aperto: la sua metà italiana sicuramente! Veramente ama dare e ricevere piacere. Ci siamo visti per un lungo e piacevole incontro a Londra ieri sera. Molto professionale, sempre in tiro e fantasioso. Mi ha fatto scoprire nuove zone erogene. Assolutamente raccomandato anche dal punto di vista sessuale (fa un ottimo uso del suo bel attrezzo). Diventerò un cliente abituale?
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely
5 of 5
Friday, 06/25/2021
Wonderful body, killer smile, sympathetic and friendly. He really crave connection, intimacy and pleasure. We had a long encounter in London yesterday night: he’s very professional, always horny and imaginative. He helped me to find new erogene zones!!!! Highly recommended for a sexual and personal experience. Do I become a “frequent flyer”? Max è un figo stratosferico! Fisico curato, atletico e definito, senza eccessi di “palestratura”. Carattere simpatico e aperto: la sua metà italiana sicuramente! Veramente ama dare e ricevere piacere. Ci siamo visti per un lungo e piacevole incontro a Londra ieri sera. Molto professionale, sempre in tiro e fantasioso. Mi ha fatto scoprire nuove zone erogene. Assolutamente raccomandato anche dal punto di vista sessuale (fa un ottimo uso del suo bel attrezzo). Diventerò un cliente abituale?
Time spent
Very relaxed
Photos up-to-date
Yes, up-to-date
Yes, absolutely